Saturday, May 30, 2009

Theatre World

I've been rehearsing for the Farnsworth Invention to have preview opening next weekend. This week got my haircut but did not get it dyed blonde so not sure what is up with that. In the theatre world there is a lot of waiting around, especially for me in this play as I'm really only in the first couple scenes.

Also, this week I found out I've been cast as Archie in the musical 13 at TUTS Humphreys School. It will be the first time done since it closed on Broadway. It is going to be a challenge to learn to perform while using crutches. Rehearsals will begin end of July for the September show.

I'll have about 3 weeks off in July to go on vacation and to visit family. During that time, I'll also sing at a couple of churches. I'm singing with a trio at church tomorrow and had to miss rehearsal tonight because of Farnsworth rehearsal. It's hard to plan anything when you're in show because you never know your call until late the night before but come opening night all the rehearsals are worth it.

If you want to check out The Farnsworth Invention go to

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